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12 Strategies to Turn Around a Declining Enrollment

10 Ways to Turn Around Your School’s Enrollment Decline

I’ve spent 25 years helping schools grow enrollment. Here are 10 things you can do to stop a decline and start growing:

  1. Strong Leadership: Your school leader needs to be passionate about providing a great education and willing to take risks to improve.
  2. Know Your Brand: What makes your school special? Why would parents choose you? Once you know, tell everyone!
  3. Set Goals and Track Progress: Look at your enrollment data and set achievable goals for growth.
  4. Invest in Staff: The right people can make a big difference. Hire qualified staff for marketing and enrollment.
  5. Parent Power: Get your happy parents involved! They can spread the word about your school to others.
  6. Follow Up with Leads: Don’t let interested families slip away! Follow up with them regularly.
  7. Keep Your Current Families Happy: Focus on retaining your current families so they’ll keep their kids enrolled.
  8. Positive Word-of-Mouth: Encourage happy parents to talk to others about your school. This is the best marketing!
  9. Great School Website: Your website is a key marketing tool. Make it informative and user-friendly for parents.
  10. Online Marketing: Use online tools to generate interest in your school, like search engine optimization and social media.

By following these tips, you can turn your enrollment decline around and make your school thrive!

Also Read-Indraprastha International School :

2 More Ways to Turn Around Your School’s Enrollment Decline

Here are 2 more things you can do to fight a drop in enrollment:

Tell Your Story Online: Share your school’s story on Facebook with daily posts. This lets parents see what your school is all about and may convince them to learn more.

Financial Aid Can Help: Strategic use of financial aid can fill empty seats and grow enrollment. While full-paying students are great, don’t be afraid to offer aid to bring in more students.

Also Read-Need for Empathy in School Website

I’ve helped many schools turn their enrollment around, including Northside Christian Academy, Lakeland Christian School, and more. Have you had success increasing enrollment at your school? What worked for you?

Author: Guriya kumari

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