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Inside St. Michael’s School Patna

Welcome to St. Michael’s School in Patna! It’s a special place right in the heart of the city. For many years, this school has been helping students learn and grow. St. Michael’s is known for its great education and caring atmosphere. It’s a mix of old traditions and new ideas, making it a unique place to learn. Let’s discover more about this school together, where every student gets the chance to do their best and reach for their dreams.

About the school

St. Michael’s High School, located at Digha Ghat in Patna, is a Catholic Missionary educational institution, founded in 1858, by the first Bishop of Patna, Dr. Anastasius Hartmann (of the Franciscan (Capuchin) Missionary Society). Begun as a boarding school for poor and orphan boys under the Catholic Church at Kurji, the School has witnessed tremendous growth in terms of strength of students on its rolls, and physical infrastructure. With over 4800 students (both boys and girls) on its rolls today, the school is poised for further growth as it moves into the 165th year of its founding.

Since 1968, the School is managed by the Patna Jesuit Society, the Bihar provincial unit of the world-wide Catholic missionary organization called the Society of Jesus (Jesuit Society). Founded in 1540 by St. Ignatius of Loyola, the Society of Jesus has been active in the field of education throughout the world since its origin. In India, the Society of Jesus is presently running some 270 schools (Primary, middle and high), 80 higher secondary/Inter-colleges, 45 degree colleges catering to some 360,000 students belonging to different social classes, communities and linguistic groups, through the medium of ten regional languages and English.

St. Michael’s High School is a Minority Charitable Institution affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education for the All India Secondary School Examination (Class X) and the All India Senior School Certificate Examination (Class XII).

Vision and Mission

Jesuit Education is inspired by the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, the founder of Christianity. It is also based on the principles of CHARACTER formation elaborated by St. lgnatius of Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus. With Jesus Christ as our model and rooted in the charism of the Society of Jesus, the Patna Jesuits in their education ministry aim at the integral growth of their students, forming them to be women and men for others, persons of conscience, competence and compassionate commitment, and agents for building a just and humane society.

They believe in a Christian social ethic which demands justice as an absolute requirement of faith in God as their Father and Mother and the acceptance of each other as brothers and sisters in God’s sight.

The vision and the principles give Jesuit Educational Institutions a distinct character and set before the staff and the students high ideals of humanism and service.

Our Mission

The Jesuit-run St. Michael’s High School thus aims at making its own contribution towards a radical transformation of the present-day society so that the principles of social justice, equality of opportunity, genuine freedom and respect for the religious and moral values enshrined in the Constitution of India may prevail and the possibility of living a fully human existence may be open to all Indians.

Their mission is to form young men and women for others, who will distinguish themselves by their academic excellence, sound character, spirit of selfless services, and leadership qualities. They will commit themselves to the task of ushering in the much needed radical transformation of present day social conditions and thus, contribute towards building a just and eco-friendly human society where genuine freedom, equality of opportunities and respect for religious, moral and social values exist.

They all do this with the aid of a committed, interactive and disciplined teaching-learning process based on the methodology evolved by their Founder, St. lgnatius of Loyola (lgnatian Pedagogical Paradigm-IPP), with its inter-play of context, experience, reflection, action and evaluation, and by creating an environment of trustful, open and friendly relationships in their Educational Institutions.

Aims and Objectives

As Jesuit educators their effort is to develop their students into a fully human, fully Indian and truly modern person. They want their students to be intellectually competent, open to growth, to be religious and loving committed to faith and justice.

They facilitate their students to realize the sense of worth and dignity of themselves and of others as human persons, especially of those whose human rights and dignity are violated and in need of liberation and protection.

They strive towards the all-round integral developments of each student, a sound intellectual formation that develops all the cognitive, imaginative, affective, creative and spiritual dimensions of each student. In the integral development of student they give due emphasis to extra-curricular activities such as sports, inter and intra school tournaments, arts, music, debates etc.

Implied in their education ministry is the task to go out into those frontiers of education where children are deprived of education due to various reasons. They pledge to eradicate illiteracy from the face of Bihar in a systematic and sustained manner.

They, in collaboration with other’s, develop in students a sense of personal as well as corporate responsibility for the family, the society, the nation and the world. This will be expressed and exercised in the living out their chosen careers and vocations.

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More Specifically They Aim At:

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Course of Studies

The School prepares the students for the All India Secondary School (Class IX-X) and the All India Senior School Certificate Examinations (Class XI-XII) conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi.

Medium of Instruction

Using the language of the child as medium of instruction has undeniable inherent educational advantages. For many years St. Michael’s has been following Hindi medium of instruction in the Primary section, bilingual (Hindi and English) from Class VI-X (Social Studies and Moral Science in Hindi) and English medium at the +2 level. Howeaver, over the years English has become a tool of empowerment in the world. Indeed it has become the most important language in the world today. This changes has taken place in india since globalization in early 1990s. Therefore, in the changed context of today, we have decided to change the medium of instruction into English in the following phased out manner from academic year 2010-11.

School uniform

For Boys:

During Warm Season:

STD.I-V: White shirt (half sleeve) with school monogram, black short pants, school belt, black socks and plain black leather shoes with lace

STD.VI-VIII: White shirt (half sleeve) with school monogram, black trousers, school belt, black socks and plain black leather shoes. Qno of trousers: 302825 (trovine) 303760 (Trident).

During Cold Season: White shirt (full sleeve) with school monogram, black trousers, school tie, solid navy blue sweaters without sleeves with V-Neck and solid navy blue blazers with school monogram. School Cap, Muffler & gloves may be used. NOT allowed: Jeans trousers, coloured shoes, jackets, low waist and narrow trousers.

For Girls:

During Warm Season:

STD.I-V: Maroon coloured pleated and divided skirt (knee length), white shirt (half sleeve) with school monogram, black shoes and white socks. Hair ribbons must be maroon coloured.

STD.VI-VIII: Maroon coloured pleated, divided skirts (knee length) are to be worn. Rest as above.

STD.IX-XII: White salwar (plain), maroon kurta (knee length) with high neck collar, slit 8 to 10″, white dupatta(cotton), flat plain black shoes and white socks.

During Cold Season:

STD.I-VIII: White shirt (full sleeve), white slacks, maroon coloured V-Neck sweaters (half sleeve), maroon coloured blazer with school monogram and school tie.

STD.IX-XII: Maroon coloured V-Neck sweaters (half sleeve) and maroon coloured blazer with school monogram.

NOT allowed: Any JEWELLERY, nose studs, bangles, finger rings, fancy watches or any type of bracelet, ornate ear-rings, nail and toe polish and use of mehandi on any part of the body.


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Digital class

One of the recent innovations in computer-aided, hi-tech learning. St. Michael’s is one of the few schools in Patna which have the Smart Class facility. Introduced in 2009, this advanced technology-supported learning system is available to the students of St. Michael’s in a regulated manner, under the guidance of supervisors. Sixteen class rooms have been equipped with this facility the use of which have been arranged regularly and systematically for all the classes.

Computer class

St. Michael’s School has two Computer Labs: for junior and senior students. Students are advised to make full use of this facility under the guidance of assigned instructors. Regular and systematic learning in computer use has been scheduled for each class through out the academic year. Students are expected to use the computers carefully. Any damage will have to be compensated. Students will have to follow the guidelines of supervisors in the Computer Lab.

Science labs

St. Michaels’ School has the following subject-specific labs: Physics Lab, Chemistry Lab, Biology Lab, and Maths Lab. Students are advised to make full use of these facilities under the guidance of assigned instructors. Students are expected to handle the tools, instruments and equipment’s in these labs carefully. Any damage will have to be compensated.


The St. Michael’s School Library is open to all students from Class II onwards. All classes have one Library Period per week. Students visiting the Library have to observe the following rules:

Language lab

St. Michael’s School has one Language Lab for the benefit of the students from Class I-VIII. Students are advised to make full use of this facility under the guidance of assigned instructors. Regular and systematics learning of language has been scheduled for each class through out the academic year. Students are expected to utilize this facility carefully. Any damage will have to be compensated. Students will have to follow the guidelines of supervisors in the Language Lab.

Games and Sports

Swimming Pool

St. Michael’s is one of the few schools in Patna with a swimming pool facility. Students are given opportunities to learn swimming under professional trainers at regular periods during or outside class hours. Students are expected to follow the guidelines related to use of the Swimming Pool.

Table Tennis Club

Starting from this year, at St. Michael’s, there is a Table tennis Club in which students are encouraged to become members playing a special membership fee. This club has been formed to answer to the growing demand for Table Tennis by junior and senior students before and after the class hours.

From the principals message

Ken Robinson rightly said, “Education doesn’t need to be reformed-it needs to be transformed. The key is not to standardise education, but to personalise it, to build achievement on discovering the individual talents of each child, to put students in an environment where they want to learn and where they can naturally discover their true passions”.

We, at St. Michael’s, believe in personalising education and schooling the hearts of our students. Our children humanise and infuse a new life into the whole campus with their innocence, charm, beauty, creativity, hard work and so on. They are motivated to bloom where they are planted. They are challenged to reach the unreachable stars. They are invited to share the abundance of goodness with others. They breathe in the air of freedom to excel in the fields of their choice. Such is our conviction to transform them and their world.

We look back at the 165 years of our history and legacy with pride and satisfaction. The school which had a modest beginning in 1858 in now well established and prestigious. The achievements, creative works and contributions of students and teachers substantiate the belief that they are capable of reaching greater heights.

May God continue to bless all our endeavors.

Fr. A. Christu Savarirajan S.J.

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Phone: +91-612-2567450 | +91-7209745893 | +91-612-2567150

Email: michaelpatna@gmail.com

Website: https://www.stmichaelspatna.edu.in/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61556158547939&mibextid=ZbWKwL


Address: St. Michael’s High School,
Digha Ghat, Patna, Bihar, India, 800011

Google map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/wn4PJimKSLGGvBPb7

Author: Prince Chauhan

Hi, I'm Prince. I'm a web developer living in Hajipur, Bihar, India. I am a fan of technology, entrepreneurship, and web development.

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