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Sunshine Preparatory/High School, Muzaffarpur

Sunshine Preparatory/High School, Muzaffarpur

Sunshine Preparatory/High School

Sunshine Preparatory/High School

Sunshine Preparatory/High School (often abbreviated as Sunshine Prep) is a co-educational school located in Muzaffarpur, Bihar, India. Established in 1984, it is affiliated with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), offering education from kindergarten to grade 12.

Message from Principal’s Desk

Dr. R.C. Singh
Principal, Sunshine Prep High School

Today is a special day to celebrate kids and learning. It’s the birthday of Jawaharlal Nehru Ji, who loved children and made big changes to education in India. He helped start special schools like IITs and AIIMS.

Just like a famous poem says, “Child is the father of Man,” children have amazing potential to learn and grow. Their brains are like sponges, soaking up new things all the time.

Kids can also make the world a better place! Let’s promise to work together to help children learn and reach their dreams. An educated future is a bright future for all of us!

Dr. R.C. Singh
Principal, Sunshine Prep High School

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Sunshine Prep follows the CBSE curriculum, which emphasizes a well-rounded education with a focus on core subjects like mathematics, science, social studies, and language. The school also offers additional subjects like computer science, art, and music.

Here are some of the highlights of Sunshine Prep’s academic program:

  • Experienced Teachers: The school boasts a team of experienced and qualified teachers who are dedicated to providing students with a quality education.
  • Focus on Learning: The school emphasizes not just memorization but also a deep understanding of concepts.
cooking activities
art exibition
  • Regular Assessments: Regular tests and exams help teachers monitor student progress and identify areas where they may need additional support.

Facilities at Sunshine Preparatory/High School

Sunshine Prep offers a variety of facilities to support students’ learning and development:

  • Spacious Campus: The school campus is spread over four acres, providing ample space for classrooms, playgrounds, and other facilities.
science exibition
  • Science Labs: Well-equipped science labs allow students to conduct experiments and gain practical experience in scientific concepts.
bio lab
  • Library: The school library offers a wide collection of books, journals, and other resources to support students’ academic pursuits and general knowledge.
  • Indoor Games Facilities: The school provides facilities for various indoor games, promoting physical activity and social interaction among students.
  • Music Rooms: Sunshine Prep has dedicated music rooms where students can learn and practice music.

Extracurricular Activities at Sunshine Preparatory/High School, Muzaffarpur

Sunshine Prep understands the importance of extracurricular activities for holistic student development. The school offers a range of extracurricular activities to cater to diverse interests, including:

  • Sports: Students can participate in various sports activities, promoting teamwork, sportsmanship, and physical fitness.
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  • Clubs: The school may have clubs focused on various interests, such as debate, dramatics, or environmental awareness. These clubs allow students to explore their hobbies, develop new skills, and socialize with like-minded peers.
  • Competitions: The school may encourage participation in various academic and non-academic competitions, providing students with a platform to showcase their talents and learnings.
Pre-School Graduation Ceremony, 2023

School Achievements of Sunshine Preparatory/High School

Sunshine Prep has a reputation for academic excellence. Here are some possible achievements of the school (specific details may not be publicly available):

  • High Pass Rates: The school may have a consistently high pass rate in board examinations.
class x  topper result
class xii  topper result
  • Awards and Recognitions: Sunshine Prep may have received awards or recognition for its academic performance or contribution to education.
  • Alumni Success Stories: The school’s alumni may have achieved success in various fields, bringing recognition to the school.

Considering Sunshine Preparatory/High School

Here are some factors to consider if you are thinking about enrolling at Sunshine Preparatory/High School:

  • Academic Focus: If you are looking for a school that emphasizes academics and prepares students for competitive exams, Sunshine Prep could be a good fit.
  • Extracurricular Activities: Consider the extracurricular activities offered by the school and if they align with your interests.
  • School Location: The school’s location in Muzaffarpur may be a deciding factor depending on your transportation options.
  1. Fee Structure (2022-23):
    • Nursery to Prep: Total fee of ₹10,525/-
    • Std. I to V: Total fee of ₹13,125/-
    • Std. VI & VII: Total fee of ₹15,525/-
    • Std. VIII to X: Total fee of ₹20,725/-
    • Std. XI: Total fee of ₹25,425/-
  2. Additional Charges Rs. (in rupees)
    • Bus Charge(s) (Nursery to Std.X): 825/- to 2950/-
    • Bus Charge(s) (Std.XI to Std.XII): 1600/- to 3550/-
    • Examination Fee (Nursery to Std.VIII): 350/-
    • Examination Fee (Std.IX to Std.XII): 500/
  3. Transport Facility:
    • The school has 21 own buses for transportation.

Contact Details of Sunshine Preparatory/High School

Club Road Sherpur
Narayanpur Anant
Muzaffarpur Bihar

phone no : 9006930333, 9006910333, 7091265094

email id : sunshinemuz@rediffmail.com


Sunshine Preparatory/High School has been a beacon of education in Muzaffarpur since its establishment in 1984. With its commitment to providing quality education, nurturing young minds, and fostering holistic development, the school has left an indelible mark on the educational landscape of the region. The school’s sprawling campus, dedicated teaching staff, and emphasis on co-curricular activities create an enriching environment for students. From the vibrant classrooms to the well-equipped facilities, Sunshine Preparatory/High School strives to ignite curiosity, instill values, and prepare students for a bright future. As the sun rises each day, so does the spirit of learning at Sunshine Preparatory/High School. It continues to illuminate the path for countless students, guiding them toward knowledge, character, and success. 

frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Sunshine Preparatory/High School

When was the Sunshine Prep/High School established?

Sunshine Preparatory/High School was established in 1984.

Is the Sunshine Prep/High School affiliated with any board?

Yes, the school is provisionally affiliated with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), New Delhi.

What facilities does Sunshine Prep have?

Sunshine Prep seems to have a spacious campus with facilities like a library, labs, sports grounds, and rooms for music and indoor games.

Rohit Kumar
Author: Rohit Kumar

Hi, I'm Rohit, a content writer and passionate about creating engaging and informative content for various niches. I have written for blogs, websites, social media, newsletters, and more. I specialize in topics such as technology, education, health, and lifestyle. I always strive to deliver high-quality content that meets the needs and expectations of my clients. I can write in different tones and styles, depending on the audience and purpose of the content. I would love to work with you and help you achieve your content goals.

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