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The three ‘tions’ to follow for success

The three ‘tions’ to follow for success

The three ‘tions’ to follow for success

The three ‘tions’ to follow for success
The three ‘tions’ to follow for success

Edison said genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. But for students today, there’s more to success than just being smart.

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3 Ingredients for Student Success

Students need 3 things to succeed: aspiration, inspiration, and perspiration.

  • Aspiration is your dream, like getting a 95% on a test.
  • Inspiration is the motivation to reach your goal. It makes you really want to get that 95%.
  • Perspiration is the hard work you put in to study and learn.

These may sound similar, but they are different. Aspiration is the starting point, inspiration gives you a push, and perspiration is the most important ingredient.

How to Use the 3 Ingredients

Let’s say you want to get good grades. Just wanting it (aspiration) isn’t enough. You need to be inspired to work hard. Then you need to put in the effort (perspiration) to study and learn.

Success Isn’t Guaranteed

Even if you try your hardest, success isn’t guaranteed. But you will learn a lot and improve your skills.

LEAD Schools Help Students Succeed

LEAD Schools focus on more than just grades. They help students develop 5 important skills:

  • Understanding concepts, not just memorizing facts
  • Thinking critically and solving problems
  • Feeling confident in themselves
  • Communicating effectively
  • Being exposed to new ideas and people

These skills will help students succeed in school and in life.

The Journey Matters More Than the Destination

Following the three “tions” – aspiration, inspiration, and perspiration – won’t guarantee perfect scores or instant success. Life throws curveballs, and sometimes things don’t go exactly as planned. But the effort you put in matters. By working hard and striving to achieve your goals, you’ll learn valuable lessons and develop important skills that will benefit you throughout your life.

LEAD Schools: Equipping Students for the Future

At LEAD Schools, they understand that success is about more than just grades. Their goal is to prepare students for life, not just exams. That’s why they focus on developing the five essential skills mentioned earlier:

  • Conceptual understanding: Going beyond memorization and truly understanding concepts.
  • Thinking skills: Developing critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
  • Confidence: Building self-belief and a positive attitude.
  • Communication: Effectively expressing yourself and your ideas.
  • Exposure: Gaining experience with new ideas and people from diverse backgrounds.

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By nurturing these skills, LEAD Schools empower students to become well-rounded individuals who are prepared to thrive in the ever-changing world. So, if you’re looking for a school that goes beyond just textbooks and tests, LEAD Schools might be the perfect fit for your child.

Guriya kumari
Author: Guriya kumari

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