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  • Barkha Sachdeva


A School’s Gateway to Admissions Success

Unlock the power of digital marketing for school admissions. Dive into a strategic perspective to boost enrollment and shape the future of school. Explore now!

Revolutionizing Your Digital Journey: Khabai Tech

Revolutionize education with Khabai Tech! Explore cutting-edge school services for a seamless, tech-infused learning experience. Embrace innovation today!

School Management Software: Optimizing Operations

Is your school drowning in paperwork? Discover the signs it's time for a game-changing shift to school management software. Read now!

New Chapter in Education with the National Education Policy (NEP)

Embark on a transformative journey in education with India's National Education Policy (NEP). A new chapter begins, shaping a brighter future for learners.

The Unsung Heroes – MSMEs

MSMEs: The heartbeat of India's economy, driving growth, creating jobs, and fostering resilience. a part of the MSMEs' remarkable journey
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