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  • Prince Chauhan


Inside St. Michael’s School Patna

Welcome to St. Michael’s School in Patna! It’s a special place right in the heart of the city. For many years, this school has been...

Seven Branding Mistakes Private Schools Make

Our school's brand is what makes you stand out from the crowd. It's everything that makes your school unique, from the way it looks to...

7 Creative Marketing Ideas for School to Stand Out.

By focusing on Creative Marketing Ideas for School, you can create a powerful brand that resonates with families and positions a school as a beacon...

The Essential Role of a Business Website in the Digital Age

Compelling Fact: In today's digital age, a staggering 81% of shoppers conduct online research before making a purchase This shift in consumer behavior reveals

School Marketing Tips to Boosting Enrollment

Revitalize your school marketing! Implement engaging content, social media savvy, and personalized communication for increased student enrollment. Act now!